personal website to tell the world about me! I love the expectations that come with working in cs!
Web Developement
little emotion recognition model I trained and connected to webcam to make the fun profile pics for this site
Machine Learning
band website I made for best band ever (my friends band)
Web Developement, database systems
non-optimized naive solver for New York Times game Letter Boxed
Website for movie club that picks and displays 2 random movies each week from list using TMDb API. Currently adding dedicated database and features for anyone to make these lists and have it display for them.
weighted graph of movies with edge weights based on how many shared actors the movies have. ability to visualize all movies a given letterboxd user has seen in this graph.
graph mining, data visualization, webscraping
low level MIPS interpreter using only C-implemented logic gates, for Computer Organization course
logic gates, computer architecture
computer vision model with convolutional neural network layers that are based on the graphical neuron structure of a mouse's visual cortex.
machine learning, computer vision, graph mining
write snake game, create reinforcement ML model to get better as it plays.
little bio
Gardening, Redwood
Hot Glue, Capacitor, 9V Battery